Monday, May 4, 2009

Yunnan: Delinquency

Oops, sorry for the absence of posting in April. Got back from a trip to 云南 (Yunnan) and there were quite a few photos to sort through. It was an insightful trip, but in a way it made me miss the US. But I digress. Here's our itinerary and given the number of pictures and days, I'm planning on doing a day-by-day write up. Our schedule went like this:

Day 0 - fly to 丽江 (Lijiang) via 深圳 (Shenzhen) and 昆明 (Kunming)
Day 1 - 丽江古城 (Old Town of Lijiang)
Day 2 - 印像麗江 (Impression Lijiang show), 玉龙雪山 (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain), 拉市海 (Lashihai Lake), 束河古镇 (Shuhe Ancient Town)
Day 3 - 丽江 (Lijiang), 黑龙潭 (Black Dragon Pool)
Day 4 - 泸沽湖 (Lugu Lake)
Day 5 - 泸沽湖 (Lugu Lake)
Day 6 - on the road to 香格里拉 (Shangri-La) with a stop at 虎跳峡 (Tiger Leaping Gorge)
Day 7 - 德欽 (Deqin)
Day 8 - 明永冰川 (Mingyong Glacier)
Day 9 - 香格里拉 (Shangri-La)
Day 10 - fly back via a stop in 昆明 (Kunming)

So... let's see how lazy I won't be and maybe there'll be more to see here soon!

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